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- How to animate a character playing the pianoFocus on the character’s hand movement across the keys, with smooth keyframes for the fingers pressing down each note. The character’s posture should be fluid, with arms and body shifting
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- How to animate a character brushing their teethBegin by animating the character’s hand moving the toothbrush to the teeth. The character’s facial expressions should reflect the act of brushing, with slight head movements or body shifts. The
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- How to animate a character making a snowmanStart by keyframing the character rolling snowballs for the body and stacking them. The arms should move to shape and position the snowballs. The head should tilt as the character
- How to animate a character with an umbrella in windWhen animating a character with an umbrella in wind, focus on the umbrella’s resistance to the gusts. The character should adjust their grip, with the umbrella bending or flapping in
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- How to animate a character playing basketballFor basketball, keyframe the character’s movement while dribbling the ball. The character’s arms should move fluidly with the ball as it bounces. The legs should bend and shift with each
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- How to animate a character jumping over a puddleKeyframe the character’s jump as they approach the puddle. The legs should bend and extend to propel the character over the puddle. The body should react to the height of
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- How to animate a character holding an umbrellaWhen animating a character holding an umbrella, focus on the umbrella’s interaction with the wind and the character’s body positioning. The character should adjust their grip on the handle, and
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- How to animate a character cooking on a stoveBegin by keyframing the character’s actions, such as stirring, flipping, or adjusting the heat on the stove. The body should adjust to the movement of the utensils or pots. Add
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- How to animate a character with a backpackFor a character with a backpack, keyframe the movement of the backpack as the character walks or runs. The straps should shift with the character’s shoulder movement, and the backpack
- How to animate a character interacting with a petAnimating a character interacting with a pet, like petting a dog, involves smooth, repetitive hand motions. The character should lean down or extend their arm to reach the pet. The
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